Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Brown is the coolest colour around.

Bighead and I are looking to move by the end of May. We love the Park Slope area but it’s just becoming too pricey for us and we really need more space. We’re currently co-existing in about 425 square feet and we’re big girls now and we’re okay with having more space.

We’re looking in Clinton Hill, Fort Greene and Prospect Heights. We’ve been having a really wonderful time walking around these neighborhoods and exploring them while viewing apartments. There’s a real sense of history and style in looking at the houses. It’s nice to walk down the quieter streets and get the sense that this is a place where families have lived for years.
It’s interesting to see the way these neighborhoods are responding to yuppification. It’s kind of heartening to see it happening slower and sort of… more respectfully (?) here. I love Park Slope. I love for and in spite of it’s yuppification but it's time to make a change. And what I like so much about our walks and our explorations is that these neighborhoods feel like a good change.
They really feel like Brooklyn to me and I really dig it. I dunno, maybe it's growing up with the Cosby's and feeling like the home that I was invited into every Thursday at 8PM was the apotheosis of Brooklyn (and that this Brooklyn was one of the apotheoses of NY neigborhoods... right up there with the Greenwich Village). I like walking through the neighborhoods and imagining the Cosby kids hanging out on the stoops and Claire Huxtable climbing up the steps and entering the big beautiful doors at the end of a long day.

I think that it’s all the brownstones. I love them. One of my many dreams is to one day own at least one. Ideally I’d like a block in Harlem and I’d like to have one in all of the big brownstone neighborhoods in Brooklyn.
Brooklyn mean brownstone to me and vice versa.

And then I started wondering why brownstone? And I stumbled across this.

Neato, right?

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