Saturday, August 16, 2008


The weekends are hard for me as far as getting along with my neighbors in the house behind us.

The weekends make me hate them.

At least once a month there's some a loud party that starts in the early evening and lasts until about two ay em. I believe that I've ranted about the noise from these parties before.

And then there are the Saturday (and Sunday) mornings, like today, where someone from the house gets up early and begins to do loud outdoor tasks.
Like hammering on the pigeon coop that's right below our bedroom windows. Or using an electric saw to cut tin for the roof of that coop. This morning's favourite seems to be the use of the car alarm to tell time. Everywhere 5 to 10 minutes the car alarm would go off making it impossible to stay or return to sleep.
This has been going on since 7 ay em. There's nothing like waking up with a headache brought on by your inconsiderate neighbors.

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